Sessions > Session 1

Session 1: From measured time to time lived by past populations: crossing methods to refine chronological resolution

Coordination: Guillaume Guérin (GéoSciences), Pierre Valla (ISTerre), Pierre Voinchet (HNHP)

Keywords: numerical chronology (OSL, ESR, 14C, U/Th, dendrochronology, etc.), stratigraphy, modelling, geomorphology, sedimentology, links between climate/human evolution/continental, marine and glacial environments, cyclicity, rhythms, seasonality

Since the invention of radiocarbon dating, numerous dating methods have been developed for the study of the Quaternary. More and more studies of archaeological sites and/or geomorphological processes call upon several independent dating methods in order to linkdated phenomena to their climatic and environmental context. Such dating makes it possible to link disjointed records at highly variable spatial scales, ranging from local to global. However, comparisons of results obtained with independent methods are often complicated by the differences between dated events and non-dated occurrences. This may be due to taphonomic processes or simply by to the lack of interaction between specialists. This session is intended to be a forum for exchange of information about the various methods. These can range from the specific case, to the more general, such as multi-method chronological modelling.


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