Sessions > Session 5Session 5: Palaeobiodiversity and palaeobiogeography: evolution of continental Quaternary ecosystemsCoordination: Patrick Auguste (EEP), Chantal Leroyer (CReAAH), Emmanuelle Stoetzel (HNHP) Keywords: Palaeobiodiversity, variability, fauna, flora, analogies, dynamics, ecological successions, adaptations, Pleistocene, Holocene Ecosystems are not static over time, they sometimes evolve considerably following natural ecological phases. They can transform gradually under the influence of climatic or slow environmental changes or undergo abrupt shifts following specific disturbances. They may also be impacted to varying degrees by anthropogenic activities. Moreover, regional differences will be apparent according to the periods and will lead to specific palaeo-biogeographical environments. This session aims to integrateall palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological disciplines that study these variations at different spatio-temporal scales. They may relyon the fossil record or use bio-, geo- or physicochemical methods or ecological models/proxies. It will focus in particular on integrated approaches that make it possible to overcome the limitations of the archaeological record and to better understand the interactions between climate, landscape and past ecosystems, and also to measure the degree of resilience of the latter, and to identify indicators of anthropic pressure. |
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