Sessions > Session 3

Session 3: The Quaternary of ancient massifs

Coordination: Geoffrey Leblé (CReAAH), Simon Puaud (CReAAH), Yoann Chantreau (CReAAH)

KeywordsSuperficial deposits, morphologies, palaeoenvironments, (palaeo)pedogenesis, ancient massifs, forcings, anthropisation, Holocene, Pleistocene

Ancient massifs have undergone longphases of erosion. Their low relief and acidic lithologies (granite, gneiss and sandstone) do not favour a good preservation of archaeological and prehistoric sites. These factors influence the sedimentary records, the (paleo)pedogenesis and the morphologies of these massifs, constituting the Pleistocene heritage of our Holocene environments.

This session will review all recent advances in the study of these formations and morphologies: aeolian loams, slope deposits, dune ridges, shingle bars, alluvial formations, peat, tephras, palaeosols and associated forms. Placing these sequences and morphologies in the chronostratigraphy and the succession of quaternary climatic/eustatic events, these archives make it possible to restore fragments of the recent geological history of the old massifs, impacted by increasing anthropogenic influences during the Holocene.

The papers and posters presented in the session will be based on the study of surface formations and/or morphologies in all their diversity. Innovative and multidisciplinary approaches that revisit known sites will be prioritized. Studies offering new research perspectives on unseen sites will also highlight the renewed interest in the Quaternary of these ancient massifs.

Possible topics:

  • Morphologies and sediments of glacial and periglacial environments (E. Defive, G. Jamet)
  • Palaeopedogenesis (Anne Gebhardt)
  • Peatlands and anthropisation (H. Cubizolle)
  • Coastal and fluvial formations, the question of forcing (P. Stephan)
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